Strona bez tytułu

Talking to the Polish Radio on 11 December 2015, Dr Jakub Pawelec, partner in our law firm, recalled the rules governing the implementation of EU Directives in the context of the draft Act on Public Procurement. Dr Pawelec, civil law attorney, emphasized that, as a rule, the Directive is not applied directly and the Member States have the right to choose the appropriate measures to implement the regulation in a way proper for a given state. Dr Pawelec pointed out that under the Polish legal system, the introduction of the in-house regulation as proposed in the draft Act could have very negative economic and social effects. If a significant portion of the volume was removed from public procurement, it would mean that public funds are spent largely out of control. It could also have a huge impact on the situation of private companies, so it needs reanalyzing, particularly given the fact that we are not at all obliged to implement this article to the Polish law.

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Projekt i realizacja ARTREPUBLICA Rafał Poławski

© - All Rights Reserved
Projekt i realizacja ARTREPUBLICA Rafał Poławski